Kamis, 22 Mei 2014

Twenty Nine!


I turned twenty-nine at the beginning of this month. I always like birthdays - to me they are similar to New Years. You can make resolutions, change things around, start projects, finish up chapters in your life, and really just enjoy the possibility of a new year of you! 

This is my last year of my twenties. I have been hugely grateful for the things that I've gotten to do this decade. I've done some traveling (would love to do more!) picked up and excelled in some intensive hobbies (classical ballet until the age of 22, cycling starting around the age of 22, and I started horseback riding around my 28th birthday), married the man of my dreams, learned how to dress myself well and look collected, moved to a few different cities. I haven't had the wild ride I expected when I was in my teens but I see every day that I have a good life.

My life is so wonderful, in fact, that I say that to myself all the time. It's not reminder, it's recognition. I notice it when I've just gone grocery shopping and I'm eating from a giant jar of Kimchi, when I've just cantered on Meethie, when I am on the couch next to my husband watching silly TV shows, an especially when I see my friends and feel how much they love me.

Because it's the last year of my twenties I decided I wanted to do a few things this year. Well... nineteen to be exact. This project was inspired by the Thirty Before Thirty projects that so many blogs did...but to be honest... I could only think of one less than twenty things I wanted to do.

So, in no particular order...here they are!

1. Spend a day lounging by a pool
2. Compete in a horse show
3. Learn to take great care of my skin
4. Finish four books
5. Go to a spa for a day 
6. Leave the country
7. Throw a dinner party to honor someone or something 
8. Audition for ten things
9. Feature four other bloggers 
10. Write a 20,000 word story
11. Write a thank you note to the ten most important people in my life
12. Do a makeup step by step tutorial for the blog
13. Surprise my husband with a weekend get-away
14. Catch up with our yearly photo albums
15. Sew a dressage coat
16. Get a motorcycle license endorsement 
17. Memorize a Hip-Hop routine
18. Take a class to learn something new 
19. Fix something on the car

This list might fluctuate. It might change. It may get added to or subtracted from, but the heart is the same: tie up some loose ends, try some new things, keep going where I am content, make every day a celebration of life! 

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