Minggu, 18 Agustus 2013

Impromptu Polo

Polo Club

Polo Club

I don't know how I got myself entangled in this adventure. One minute I was sitting on the lawn chairs outside of the barn I ride at after a lesson and the next minute I was winding my way towards the polo field. I think it had to do with "No riding experience needed." and "It's OK! Everyone can do it!" and the last comforting one..."See that guy? He's never been on a horse before! You can at least trot so you'll be fine!"

So there I was, learning how to hold (both of) the reins Argentinian style, how to hit the ball without hitting the horse, what to look for in a polo pony, and learning why my post lesson riding breaches and paper thin t shirt are not appropriate gear. (I know it looks like I wear the exact same thing riding because I'm in the exact same outfit as the last horse post! I promise I wear other things and that was a total accident!)

I wasn't very good at it, but I wasn't terribly bad at it either, and I managed not to hit any bystanders, the horse, or myself with the mallet! 

What's the latest accidental adventure you've been on?

Polo Club

Polo Club

Polo Club

Polo Club

Polo Club

All of these photos were generously taken by Thomas Dole. 


Thanks so much to all three of the Colorado Polo Clubs (Anyone have a link to the club in Northern Colorado? I could not find it via google!) that showed up to make this day awesome, show us the ropes, trailer the horses down, and tack up our Polo Ponies. 


I am wearing a shirt by Caslon, my breaches are by TuffRider, and my half chaps are from Dublin. I am always and forever wearing Ariat boots to ride in. My helmet is by Ovation, the sunglasses are from Oakley, and the gloves are Kerrits.

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